Operating Ecomat2000 heaters with alternative power sources
Our Ecomat2000 heaters are initially designed for operation in the standard household electrical supply network.
For operation with alternative power sources, the special conditions of the respective manufacturer of these power sources must always be taken into account.
You will certainly understand that, given the large number of power supply systems available on the market (generators, power stations, operation via inverters), we are unable to make any statement on the compatibility of these products with our heaters. The manufacturer of the power station or inverter may be able to provide you with more detailed information. Please note that certain power supply criteria must be met for the Ecomat2000. You will find general information on this in the operating instructions for the Ecomat2000 heater (note: output power of the inverter must be at least 1,200 W when operating the Ecomat2000 heater at the 450 W level).
We generally advise you to take the appliances that are to be operated with an alternative power source to the selling dealer and try them out there before purchasing the supply unit.